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Getting Started: How to Apply and Register

Getting Started: How to Apply and Register

If you’re not already enrolled at the UW, you’ll apply on the Summer Sessions website using the link on our home page. Here’s where you can learn more about what you’ll need to apply:

You may want to check out this page about Key Dates and Deadlines. Mark your calendar so you know when Summer Sessions applications open, when to register for courses, and when Summer Quarter classes begin.

After your Summer Sessions application is processed, you’ll receive an email with your enrollment confirmation and instructions about how to set up a UW NetID. 

You’ll then use your UW NetID to log on to MyUW and use MyPlan to search and register for courses.

For High School Students

For High School Students

Generally, high school students find that 100-level courses are a good fit for their summer learning goals. 

Some students may choose to register for a higher-level course if the course does not have prerequisites, or if the student has already met the prerequisites. 

All courses offered in Summer Sessions are taught at a level consistent with the UW’s world-class standards, so high school students should consider their ability to successfully complete UW Summer Sessions courses. 

Yes. To be eligible for a Summer Sessions 2025 course, you must have completed eighth grade or its equivalent by June 30, 2025. 

If you will not be 18 years of age on the first day of Summer Sessions (June 23, 2025), a parent or guardian must sign an Under 18 Notice and Acknowledgment. Students and parental contacts receive the form by email after you apply to Summer Sessions. 

You may be interested in these select UW programs for youth and pre-college students:

About UW Courses

About UW Courses

The Time Schedule lists all courses, organized by UW college or school. You can browse the list of all departments to find summer courses. 

After you apply to Summer Sessions, you’ll be able to use your UW NetID to search for courses in MyPlan.

A and B terms are each four and a half weeks long. Full term is nine and a half weeks. Learn more about Dates of Instruction.

Summer Sessions includes UW courses that are offered in-person, online, or a combination of both. Learn more about course modes at the UW. 

To find a course’s location, start by using the Time Schedule to find the class you’re interested in. 

  • If your course is in person: Required class meetings will take place in a physical classroom. You can look in the time schedule next to the time of the day the class is offered. You’ll see a building abbreviation, a link to a campus map, and a room number.

Where to find a physical location of a course

  • If your course has online components: Check the right-most column of the Time Schedule for one or more of the following codes: 
    • A = Asynchronous online: The course will be fully online and will have no scheduled meeting times. 

    • O = Synchronous online: The course is entirely online but with some scheduled meeting times. 

    • B = Hybrid: The course will have some online and some in-person components.

      Where to find an online course code

Check the Courses & Programs section of our website to see a list of online courses that will be available this summer.  

You can also check courses listed in the Time Schedule for these codes, listed in the right-most column when viewing a course:

  • A = Asynchronous Online
  • O = Synchronous Online
  • B = Hybrid

General Information

General Information

Some high school students enroll in a Summer Sessions course to gain experience and demonstrate their capacity to succeed in a UW-level college course. Experience like this may be a positive factor when college or university admissions officers review applications. 

However, it’s important to know that solely enrolling or earning credit in a UW Summer Sessions course will not improve a prospective student’s chances nor guarantee admission to the UW.

Here’s where you can find more information about Tuition and Fees for UW Summer Sessions. 

Tuition and fees are determined by whether you are taking undergraduate or graduate courses and whether you are a Washington state resident or a non-resident.  

The Office of the Registrar provides more information about Residency for Tuition Purposes.

UW Undergraduate Advising provides this directory of contact information for Departmental & Major Advising Offices. 

You may also be able to find a course-specific email address within the course description on the Time Schedule.

Course contact info in Time Schedule 

Feel free to Contact Us with other questions about Summer Sessions. Our Enrollment Services team is here to help.