All Online Courses
Browse the listings below to find online courses available through UW Seattle during summer quarter.
Online Courses
American Ethnic Studies
American Indian Studies
American Sign Language
- ANTH 228: Identities: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in Anthropology
- ANTH 323: Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice
- ANTH 375: Comparative Systems of Healing
Art History
- ART H 210: Arts of Japan
- ART H 212: Chinese Art and Visual Culture
- ART H 270: Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art
- ART H 273: History and Theory of Photography
- ART H 308: Representational Art of Imperial China
Atmospheric Sciences
Biological Anthropology
Comparative Literature
Comparative History of Ideas
- CLAS 101: Latin and Greek in Current Use
- CLAS 205: Bioscientific Vocabulary Building From Latin and Greek
- CLAS 430: Greek and Roman Mythology
- COM 200: Introduction to Communication
- COM 231: Introduction to Rhetoric
- COM 270: Interpersonal Communication
- COM 304: The Press and Politics in the United States
- COM 340: History of Mass Communication
- COM 375: Communication Ethics
- COM 389: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Media
- COM 440: Mass Media Law
- COM 468: Media Ethics
Disability Studies
- DIS ST 360: Redesigning Humanity: Disability in Speculative Fiction
- DIS ST 402: Topics in Disability History
- DRAMA 103: Theatre Appreciation
- DRAMA 111: Backstage Pass: Technical Marvels in Popular Culture
- DRAMA 171: The Broadway Musical
Digital Arts and Experimental Media
- ECON 200: Introduction to Microeconomics
- ECON 201: Introduction to Macroeconomics
- ECON 300: Intermediate Microeconomics
- ECON 301: Intermediate Macroeconomics
- ECON 382: Introduction to Econometrics
- ECON 422: Investment, Capital, and Finance
- ECON 424: Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics
- ECON 482: Econometric Theory and Practice
- ECON 485: Game Theory with Applications to Economics
Educational Psychology
Special Education
- EDUC 251: Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity
- EDUC 350: Education to Incarceration: The School-to-Prison Pipeline
- EDUC 440: Art, Education, and Climate Justice
- ENGL 111: Composition: Literature
- ENGL 131: Composition: Exposition
- ENGL 200: Reading Literary Forms
- ENGL 204: Popular Fiction and Media
- ENGL 206: Rhetoric in Everyday Life
- ENGL 207: Introduction to Cultural Studies
- ENGL 281: Intermediate Expository Writing
- ENGL 288: Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing
- ENGL 289: Business Writing
- ENGL 325: Early Modern Literature
- ENGL 349: Science Fiction and Fantasy
- ENGL 390: Careers in Technical and Professional Communication
Program on the Environment
- ENVIR 100: Introduction to Environmental Studies
- ENVIR 310: Data Analysis in Environmental Studies
- ENVIR 420: People, Planet, and Profit in Sustainable Cannabis Production
Environmental Science and Resource Management
- ESRM 100: Introduction to Environmental Science
- ESRM 250: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems in Forest Resources
- ESRM 320: Marketing and Management from a Sustainability Perspective
- ESRM 321: Finance and Accounting from a Sustainability Perspective
Earth and Space Sciences
- GEOG 205: Our Global Environment: Physical and Human Dimensions
- GEOG 258: Digital Geographies
- GEOG 277: Geography of Cities
- GEOG 301: Cultural Geography
- GEOG 360: GIS and Mapping
- GEOG 373: Food and Community: Cultural Practices in the Hispanic World
- GEOG 445: Geography of Housing
Greek (Modern)
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
- GWSS 200: Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
- GWSS 257: Psychology of Gender
- GWSS 272: Introduction to Gender and Fandom
- GWSS 302: Feminist Theories and Methods
- GWSS 374: Introduction to Transgender Studies
- GWSS 389: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Media
History of North America (USA & Canada)
History of Africa and the Middle East
Comparative and Transregional History
History of Latin America and the Caribbean
- INFO 300: Research Methods
- INFO 310: Information Assurance and Cybersecurity
- INFO 340: Client-Side Development
- INFO 351: Information Ethics and Policy
- INFO 498: Special Topics in Informatics
Jewish Studies
Jackson School of International Studies
- JSIS 201: The Making of the Twenty-First Century
- JSIS 202: Culture and Power in International Studies
- JSIS A 205: Filipino Histories
- JSIS A 207: Asian Civilizations: Traditions
- JSIS A 360: Contemporary Spain
- JSIS A 435: Japanese Government and Politics
- JSIS B 255: Technology and International Studies
- JSIS B 336: Political Violence
- JSIS B 351: The Global Environment
- JSIS D 323: Globalization and You
- JSIS E 134: Intensive Elementary Modern Greek
Law, Societies, and Justice
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
Modern Hebrew
- MUSIC 116: Elementary Music Theory
- MUSIC 120: Introduction to Classical Music
- MUSIC 131: History of Jazz
- MUSIC 162: American Popular Song
- MUSIC 325: Music in Cinema
Political Science
- POL S 201: Introduction to Political Theory
- POL S 202: Introduction to American Politics
- POL S 203: Introduction to International Relations
- POL S 204: Introduction to Comparative Politics
- POL S 249: Introduction to Labor Studies
- POL S 270: Introduction to Political Economy
- POL S 303: Public Policy Formation in the United States
- POL S 304: The Press and Politics in the United States
- POL S 321: American Foreign Policy
- POL S 325: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- POL S 336: Political Violence
- POL S 368: The Politics and Law of International Human Rights
- POL S 461: Mass Media Law
- PSYCH 101: Introduction to Psychology
- PSYCH 202: Biopsychology
- PSYCH 203: Introduction to Personality and Individual Differences
- PSYCH 210: The Diversity of Human Sexuality
- PSYCH 257: Psychology of Gender
- PSYCH 333: Sensory and Perceptual Processes
- PSYCH 345: Social Psychology
- PSYCH 355: Cognitive Psychology
Public Policy
Quantitative Science
Real Estate
Comparative Religion
- SCAND 100: Introduction to Scandinavian Culture
- SCAND 230: Introduction to Folklore Studies
- SCAND 270: Sagas of the Vikings
- SCAND 330: Scandinavian Mythology
- SOC 110: Survey of Sociology
- SOC 222: Sociology of Sport
- SOC 225: Data and Society
- SOC 266: Introduction to Labor Studies
- SOC 271: Introduction to the Sociology of Deviance and Social Control
- SOC 352: The Family
- SOC 360: Introduction to Social Stratification
- SOC 362: Race Relations
- SOC 371: Criminology