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Adding Classes

You may add courses within the first seven calendar days of the term without being charged a change of registration fee. After that time, you will be charged a fee when adding or changing a course on MyUW, in addition to any tuition fees.

A five-digit add code is needed to add courses during the late add period. Courses requiring add codes are designated with the symbol ">" to the left of the schedule line number (SLN) in the UW Time Schedule. The Time Schedule lists information on where to obtain entry codes, either as a comment before the course listing or just after the title of the course. If there are no special instructions for a course requiring an add code, contact the department offering the course.

See the Course Add Periods page on the UW Office of the Registrar site for more details.

Dropping Classes

You may drop courses within the first seven calendar days of the term without being charged a change fee. After that time, you will be charged a fee when dropping or changing a course on MyUW, in addition to any tuition forfeiture fee. See the Course Drop Policy/Periods page on the UW Office of the Registrar site for more details.


Students who drop their last course without adding another course are considered withdrawn for the quarter. Depending on the date you withdraw, you may incur a tuition forfeiture fee.

You are responsible for withdrawing completely if you are unable to attend for the quarter. Failing to attend class or notifying the instructor that you wish to drop a class does not constitute an official withdrawal from the course.

You may officially withdraw in person, by mail or by email at the address below. A withdrawal email must originate from the student’s UW email account. 

UW Registration Office
Box 355850
225 Schmitz Hall (map)
Seattle, WA 98195-5850

Tuition owed will be assessed based on the date the complete withdrawal is recorded at the Registration Office, the date that the last class is dropped or the postmark date for withdrawals received by mail.

If you are unable to complete a course because of physical and/or mental debilitation, or if you were unable to drop a course by the drop deadline due to unusual or extenuating circumstances, you may submit a petition to the Office of the Registrar for a Former Quarter Drop (formerly known as a Hardship Withdrawal Petition).

To change your registration status or drop a class after a deadline because of a UW error, you may file a petition to change registration due to UW administrative error.

Tuition Forfeiture and Refunds

If you make changes to your course schedule after the seventh calendar day of the term, you may incur a tuition forfeiture fee.

Students may petition forfeitures for extenuating circumstances (death, disability, etc.) through the Student Fiscal Services office.